‘Tis the season for my holiday mini sessions!! This means families put on their favorite outfits and come for a 20 minute photo session for either those seasonal holiday photo updates, some headshots, a recent engagement, to capture their growing family or just because. If they are a returning client, I get to do my annual catch up with them and learn how they’ve been and see how their families have changed over the past year. With 2020 being an unprecedented one due to Covid-19, I was unable to do my annual California session (missing all my CA families!), but I was grateful that we were able to find a way to still hold our mini sessions in Seattle safely. It was definitely an adjustment- masks, no hugs, keeping our distance, even some moodier outfits to fit the sentiment. However it was still a great time meeting new families and catching up with previous ones and I’m so thankful to be able to capture these every year. Here are some from this year’s 2 sessions: