The way Brian and Ana’s engagement session came to be still makes me laugh. Brian initially reached out to me letting me know that he was planning to propose to his girlfriend and wanted a photographer to capture it. Turns out, they were coming from New Jersey- they were in California for a mini vacation and were taking a drive up the California coast from San Diego. Brian and I scheduled a day, time and location and everything was set. When I checked in with him a few days later to confirm, he responds, “Apparently I’m less patient than I thought… I proposed to Ana last night at the Avila Beach Pier. She said yes, so that’s good news!”
It worked out perfectly though, because we were then able to do a full engagement shoot and I didn’t have to try to figure out a bush to hide behind When I finally got together with Brian and Ana, I asked them what happened with waiting to San Francisco to propose. She said “I figured it out 5 minutes before he was going to propose to me, so I just said give me it!” Straight to the point. I like it.
I spent an afternoon with with Brian and Ana out at San Francisco’s Sutro Baths and Lands End. The clouds had started to roll in by this time, so they got a taste of real San Francisco fog to take back to New Jersey with them! Here were a few of my favorites from the day: